Evolving Tomorrow:
Genetic Engineering and the Evolutionary Future
of the Anthropocene.
Cutter, A.D. Oxford University Press. Summer 2023 release!
[Oxford University Press]
[U. Toronto Library OSO e-book]
[Page 99 Test blog]
A Primer of Molecular Population Genetics.
Cutter, A.D. Oxford University Press. June 6, 2019.
[Oxford University Press] [Oxford e-book]
[Amazon] [Amazon Play e-book]
[U. Toronto Library OSO e-book] [U. Toronto Library SPB e-book]
[Review in Conservation Biology]
- Dynamic birth and death of Argonaute gene family fuctional repertoire across Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Fusca, D.D., K.R. Kasimatis, H.V. Zhu & A.D. Cutter. [github repo] - A novel sperm-derived seminal protein in Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Kasimatis, K.R., C. Rehaluk, L. Rowe & A.D. Cutter. [github repo] - Fundamental questions in meiofauna research: how small but ubiquitous animals can help scientists and society to better understand Nature.
Martinez, A., … A.D. Cutter … D. Fontaneto (42 authors). - CompMap: an allele-specific expression read-counter based on competitive mapping.
Sanchez-Ramirez, S. & A.D. Cutter.
- Reproductive interference alters species coexistence in nematodes due to asymmetric sperm-induced harm.
Schalkowski, R., K.R. Kasimatis, M.A. Greischar & A.D. Cutter. Ecology Letters. In press. [github repo] - Neuron-specific repression of alternative splicing by the conserved CELF protein UNC-75 in C. elegans.
Pilaka-Akella, P.P., D.D. Fusca, A.D. Cutter & J.A. Calarco. Genetics. In press.
- Beyond Haldane’s rule: sex-biased hybrid dysfunction for all modes of sex determination.
Cutter, A.D. 2024. eLife. 13: e96652. - Experimental evolution of hybrid populations to identify Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibility loci.
Szabo, N. & A.D. Cutter. 2024. Ecology & Evolution. 14: e10972. [pdf] [github repo] - Toward the integration of speciation research.
Stankowski, S., … A.D. Cutter … R.K. Butlin (45 authors). 2024. Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society. 3: kzae001. [pdf]
- Evolving Tomorrow: Genetic Engineering and the Evolutionary Future of the Anthropocene.
Cutter, A.D. 2023. Oxford University Press. 320 pp. [U. Toronto Library e-book] [Page 99 Test blog] - Sexual conflict, heterochrony, and tissue specificity as evolutionary problems of adaptive plasticity in development.
Cutter, A.D. 2023. Proceedings B. 290: 20231854. - Speciation and development.
Cutter, A.D. 2023. Evolution & Development. 25: 289-327. [pdf] - Genomic diversity landscapes in outcrossing and selfing Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Teterina, A.A., J.H. Willis, M. Lukac, R. Jovelin, A.D. Cutter, & P.C. Phillips. PLoS Genetics. 19: e1010879. [pdf] - Guerrilla eugenics: gene drives in heritable human genome editing.
Cutter, A.D. 2023. Journal of Medical Ethics. In press. [SocArXiv] - Regulatory divergence as a mechanism for X-autosome incompatibilities in Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Viswanath, A. & A.D. Cutter. 2023. Genome Biology & Evolution. 15: evad055. [pdf] - Synthetic gene drives as an anthropogenic evolutionary force.
Cutter, A.D. 2023. Trends in Genetics. 39: 347-357. [pdf]
[Interesting Engineering] [SciTechDaily] [UofT News]
- Temperature-dependent small RNA expression depends on wild genetic backgrounds of Caenorhabditis briggsae.
Fusca, D.D., E. Sharma, J.G. Weiss, J.M. Claycomb, & A.D. Cutter. 2022. Molecular Biology & Evolution. 39: msac218. [pdf] [github repo] - The distribution of mutational effects on fitness in Caenorhabditis elegans inferred from standing genetic variation.
Gilbert, K.J., S. Zdraljevic, D.E. Cook, A.D. Cutter, E.C. Andersen, & C.F. Baer. 2022. Genetics. 220: iyab166. [pdf].
- Widespread misregulation of inter-species hybrid transcriptomes due to sex-specific and sex-chromosome regulatory evolution.
Sanchez-Ramirez, S., J.G. Weiss, C.G. Thomas, & A.D. Cutter. 2021. PLoS Genetics. 17: e1009409. [pdf] [github data + script repo]
- Speciation and the developmental alarm clock.
Cutter, A.D. & J.D. Bundus. 2020. eLife. 9: e56276. [pdf]
- A Primer of Molecular Population Genetics.
Cutter, A.D. 2019. Oxford University Press.
[Review in Conservation Biology]
[U. Toronto Library OSO e-book] [U. Toronto Library SPB e-book] - Molecular evolution across developmental time reveals rapid divergence in early embryogenesis.
Cutter, A.D., R.H. Garrett, S. Mark, W. Wang & L. Sun. 2019. Evolution Letters. 3: 359-373. [pdf] - Genome structure predicts modular transcriptome responses to genetic and environmental conditions.
Mark, S., J. Weiss, E. Sharma, T. Liu, W. Wang, J.M. Claycomb & A.D. Cutter. 2019. Molecular Ecology. 28: 3681-3697. [pdf] - Reproductive transitions in plants and animals: selfing syndrome, sexual selection, and speciation.
Cutter, A.D. 2019. New Phytologist. 224: 1080-1094. [pdf] - Neuro-genetic plasticity of C. elegans behavioral thermal tolerance.
Stegeman, G.W., D. Medina, A.D. Cutter & W.S. Ryu. 2019. BMC Neuroscience. 20:26. [pdf] - Males, outcrossing, and sexual selection in Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Cutter, A.D., Morran, L.T., & P.C. Phillips. 2019. Genetics (Wormbook). 213: 27-57 [pdf]. - Genetically distinct behavioral modules underlie natural variation in thermal performance curves.
Stegeman, G.W., S.E. Baird, W.S. Ryu & A.D. Cutter. 2019. G3 (Genes, Genomes, Genetics). 9: 2135-2151.
- Rapid genome shrinkage in a self-fertile nematode reveals sperm competition proteins.
Yin, D., E.M. Schwarz, C.G. Thomas, R.L. Felde, I. Korf, A.D. Cutter, C.M. Schartner, E.J. Ralston, B.J. Meyer & E.S. Haag. 2018. Science. 359: 55-61. [pdf]
[New York Times] [The Varsity] [Cosmos Magazine] [F1000] - Genetic basis to hybrid inviability is more complex than hybrid male sterility in Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Bundus, J.D., D. Wang & A.D. Cutter. 2018. Heredity. 121: 169-182. [pdf] - X exceptionalism in Caenorhabditis speciation.
Cutter, A.D. 2018. Molecular Ecology. 27: 3925-2934. [pdf] - Genetic contributions to ectopic sperm cell migration in Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Ting, J.J., C.N. Tsai, R. Schalkowski & A.D. Cutter. 2018. G3 (Genes, Genomes, Genetics). 8: 3891-3902. [pdf] - Demographic consequences of reproductive interference in multi-species communities.
Ting, J.J. & A.D. Cutter. 2018. BMC Ecology. 18: 46. [pdf]
- Ephemeral-habitat colonization and neotropical species richness of Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Ferrari, C. R. Salle, N. Callemeyn-Torre, R. Jovelin, A.D. Cutter* & C. Braendle*. 2017. BMC Ecology. 17:43. [pdf]
- Convergent evolution of sperm gigantism and the developmental origins of sperms size variability in Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Vielle, A., N. Callemeyn-Torre, C. Gimond, N. Poullet, N. Soares, J.C. Gray, A.D. Cutter & C. Braendle. 2016. Evolution. 70: 2485-2503. [pdf]
[UofT News] [CNRS news] [Varsity] - Ephemeral ecological speciation and the latitudinal biodiversity gradient.
Cutter, A.D. & J.C. Gray. 2016. Evolution. 70: 2171-2181. [pdf] [github repo] - Myths and misconceptions about C. elegans ecology and evolution.
Cutter, A.D., M.-A. Felix & M. Blaxter. 2016. Worm Breeder’s Gazette. 20: 2. - Comparative genomic analysis of upstream miRNA regulatory motifs in Caenorhabditis.
Jovelin, R., A. Krizus, B. Taghizada, J.C. Gray, P.C. Phillips, J.M. Claycomb, & A.D. Cutter. 2016. RNA. 22: 968-978. [pdf] - Hitting two birds with one stone: the unforeseen consequences of nested gene knockouts in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Jovelin, R. & A.D. Cutter. 2016. Worm. 5: e1156835. - Sexual conflict and speciation.
Ting, J.J. & A.D. Cutter. 2016. In: Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology (R. Kliman, ed). Academic Press (Oxford). Volume 4, pp. 192-199.
- When natural selection gives gene function the cold shoulder.
Cutter, A.D. & R. Jovelin. 2015. Bioessays. 37: 1169-1173. [pdf] [Bioessays opinion] - Reproductive mode and the evolution of genome size and structure in Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Fierst, J.L., J.H. Willis, C.G. Thomas, W. Wang, R.M. Reynolds, T. Ahearne, A.D. Cutter & P.C. Phillips. 2015. PLoS Genetics. 11: e1005323. [pdf] [F1000] [Unz] - Caenorhabditis evolution in the wild.
Cutter, A.D. 2015. Bioessays. 37: 983-995. [pdf] - Gametic selection, developmental trajectories and extrinsic heterogeneity in Haldane’s rule.
Bundus, J.D., R. Alaei & A.D. Cutter. 2015. Evolution. 69: 2005-2017. [pdf] - Full-genome evolutionary histories of selfing, splitting and selection in Caenorhabditis.
Thomas, C.G.*, W. Wang*, R. Jovelin, R. Ghosh, T. Lomasko, Q. Trinh, L. Kruglyak, L.D. Stein & A.D. Cutter. 2015. Genome Research. 25: 667-678. [pdf] [supplement] [VCF data] - Repeatability, ephemerality, and inconvenient truths in the speciation process. (Commentary)
Cutter, A.D. 2015. Molecular Ecology. 24: 1643-1644. [pdf] - Comparative functional characterization of the CSR-1 22G-RNA pathway in Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Tu, S., M. Wu, J. Wang, A.D. Cutter, Z. Weng & J.M. Claycomb. 2015. Nucleic Acids Research. 43: 208-224. [pdf] [supplemental data]
- Microevolution of nematode miRNAs reveals diverse modes of selection.
Jovelin, R. & A.D. Cutter. 2014. Genome Biology & Evolution. 6: 3049-3063. [pdf] - Gonad morphogenesis defects drive hybrid male sterility in asymmetric hybrid breakdown of Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Dey, A., Q. Jin, Y.-C. Chen & A.D. Cutter. 2014. Evolution & Development. 16: 362-372. [pdf] [F1000] - Intense sperm-mediated sexual conflict promotes gametic isolation in Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Ting, J.J.*, G.C. Woodruff*, G. Leung, N.-R. Shin, A.D. Cutter & E.S. Haag. 2014. PLoS Biology. 12: e1001915. [pdf] [supplemental info] [supplemental movie 1]
[Primer in PLoS] [Washington Post] [National Geographic] [LA Times] [Wired UK] [New Scientist] [The Verge] [The Hindu]
[Popular Science] [Chicago Tribune] [Int’l Business Times] [Huffington Post UK] [Austrian Tribune]
[Guardian Liberty Voice] [Nature World News] [Science Codex] [Tech Times] [Nature’s Nether Regions Blog]
[IFL Science] [LaborWelt] [Rosa Rubicondior blog] [The Varsity] [Seeds of Science blog] [EcuaVisa] [BECTN]
[UofT News] [F1000] - Comparative validation of the D. melanogaster modENCODE transcriptome annotation.
Chen, Z.-X. … A.D. Cutter … S. Richards (63 authors). 2014. Genome Research. 24: 1209-1223. [pdf] - A streamlined system for species diagnosis in Caenorhabditis (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) with name designations for 15 distinct biological species.
Felix, M.-A., C. Braendle & A.D. Cutter. 2014. PLoS One. 9: e94723. [pdf]
[UofT News] - A recent selective sweep on the age-1 PI3 kinase regulator of the insulin-like signaling pathway within Caenorhabditis remanei.
Jovelin, R., J.S. Comstock, A.D. Cutter & P.C. Phillips. 2014. G3 (Genes, Genomes, Genetics). 4: 1123-1133. [pdf]
[cover photo] [GSA blog] - Specialist versus generalist life histories and nucleotide diversity in Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Li, S.*, R. Jovelin*, T. Yoshiga, R. Tanaka & A.D. Cutter. 2014. Proceedings B (Royal Society of London). 281: 20132858. [pdf]
[Seeds of Science Blog] - Mainstreaming C. elegans in experimental evolution.
Gray, J.C. & A.D. Cutter. 2014. Proceedings B (Royal Society of London). 281: 20133055. [pdf]
[Synthetic Daisies Blog]
- Molecular hyperdiversity defines populations of the nematode Caenorhabditis brenneri.
Dey, A., C.K.W. Chan, C.G. Thomas & A.D. Cutter. 2013. PNAS. 110: 11056-11060. [pdf]
[LiveScience] [Seeds of Science Blog] [First Look Blog] [F1000] - Outbreeding depression with low genetic variation in selfing Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Gimond, C., R. Jovelin, S. Han, C. Ferrari, A.D. Cutter & C. Braendle. 2013. Evolution. 67: 3087-3101. [pdf] - Integrating phylogenetics, phylogeography and population genetics through genomes and evolutionary theory.
Cutter, A.D. 2013. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 69: 1172-1185. [free pdf] [pdf] - Genomic signatures of selection at linked sites: unifying the disparity among species.
Cutter, A.D. & B.A. Payseur. 2013. Nature Reviews Genetics. 14: 262-274. [pdf] - Fine-scale signatures of molecular evolution reconcile models of indel-associated mutation.
Jovelin, R. & A.D. Cutter. 2013. Genome Biology and Evolution. 5: 978-986. [pdf] - Molecular hyperdiversity and evolution in very large populations.
Cutter, A.D., R. Jovelin & A. Dey. 2013. Molecular Ecology. 22: 2074-2095. [pdf] - Fifteen years of evolutionary genomics in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Jovelin, R., A. Dey, & A.D. Cutter. 2013. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons (Chichester). [pdf] - Species richness, distribution and genetic diversity of Caenorhabditis nematodes in a remote tropical rainforest.
Felix, M.A., R. Jovelin, C. Ferrari, S. Han, Y.R. Cho, E.C. Andersen, A.D. Cutter & C. Braendle. 2013. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 13: 10. [pdf] - Temperature-dependent behaviors are genetically variable in the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae.
Stegeman, G.W., M. Bueno de Mesquita, W.S. Ryu & A.D. Cutter. 2013. Journal of Experimental Biology. 216: 850-858. [pdf]
- Global population genetic structure of Caenorhabditis remanei reveals incipient speciation.
Dey, A., Y. Jeon, G.-X. Wang & A.D. Cutter. 2012. Genetics. 191: 1257-1269. [pdf] - Influence of finite-sites mutation, population subdivision and sampling schemes on patterns of nucleotide polymorphism for species with molecular hyperdiversity.
Cutter, A.D., G.-X. Wang, H. Ai, & Y. Peng. 2012. Molecular Ecology. 21: 1345-1359. [pdf] - Gene duplication in the evolution of sexual dimorphism.
Wyman, M.J., A.D. Cutter & L. Rowe. 2012. Evolution. 66: 1556-1566. [pdf] - The polymorphic prelude to Bateson-Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities.
Cutter, A.D. 2012. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 27: 209-218. [pdf] - Genetic variation for post-zygotic reproductive isolation between Caenorhabditis briggsae and Caenorhabditis sp. 9.
Kozlowska, J.L., A.R. Ahmad, E. Jahesh & A.D. Cutter. 2012. Evolution. 66: 1180-1195. [pdf]
- MicroRNA sequence variation potentially contributes to within-species functional divergence in the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae.
Jovelin, R. & A.D. Cutter. 2011. Genetics. 189: 967-976. [pdf] - Experimental evolution of sperm count in protandrous self-fertilizing hermaphrodites.
Murray, R.L. & A.D. Cutter. 2011. Journal of Experimental Biology. 214: 1740-1747. [pdf] - Heritable determinants of male fertilization success in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
Murray, R.L., J.L. Kozlowska & A.D. Cutter. 2011. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 11: 99. [pdf] [additional data] - Polymorphism, divergence and the role of recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome evolution.
Cutter, A.D. & A.M. Moses. 2011. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 28: 1745-1754. [pdf] [supplementary data] - Temperature-dependent fecundity associates with latitude in Caenorhabditis briggsae.
Prasad, A., M. Croydon-Sugarman, R.L. Murray & A.D. Cutter. 2011. Evolution. 65: 52-63. [pdf]
- Extremely high molecular diversity within the East Asian nematode Caenorhabditis sp. 5.
Wang, G.-X., S. Ren, Y. Ren, H. Ai & A.D. Cutter. 2010. Molecular Ecology. 19: 5022-5029. [pdf] - Natural selection shapes nucleotide polymorphism across the genome of the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae.
Cutter, A.D. & J.Y. Choi. 2010. Genome Research. 20: 1103-1111. [pdf] [supplemental material] - The evolutionary dynamics of operon distributions in eukaryote genomes.
Cutter, A.D. & A.F. Agrawal. 2010. Genetics. 185: 685-693. [pdf] - Molecular evolution inferences from the C. elegans genome.
Cutter, A.D. 2010. In: WormBook, The C. elegans Research Community, ed. doi/10.1895/wormbook.1.149.1 [pdf] - Molecular population genetics and phenotypic sensitivity to ethanol for a globally diverse sample of the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae.
Cutter, A.D., W. Yan, N. Tsvetkov, S. Sunil & M.A. Felix. 2010. Molecular Ecology. 19: 798-809. [pdf]
- Evolution of the C. elegans genome.
Cutter, A.D., A. Dey & R.L. Murray. 2009. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 26: 1199-1234. [pdf] - Germline expression influences operon organization in the C. elegans genome.
Reinke, V. & A.D. Cutter. 2009. Genetics. 181: 1219-1228. [pdf] [supplementary data][F1000]
- Reproductive evolution: symptom of a selfing syndrome (Dispatch).
Cutter, A.D. 2008. Current Biology. 18: R1056-R1058. [pdf] - Population frequencies of transposable elements in selfing and outcrossing Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Dolgin, E.S., B. Charlesworth & A.D. Cutter. 2008. Genetics Research. 90: 317-329. [pdf] - Patterns of molecular evolution in Caenorhabditis preclude ancient origins of selfing.
Cutter, A.D., J.D. Wasmuth & N.L. Washington. 2008. Genetics. 178: 2093-2104. [pdf] [supplementary data]
[F1000] - Divergence times in Caenorhabditis and Drosophila inferred from direct estimates of the neutral mutation rate.
Cutter, A.D. 2008. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 25: 778-786. [pdf] [supplementary tables] - Multilocus patterns of polymorphism and selection across the X-chromosome of Caenorhabditis remanei.
Cutter, A.D. 2008. Genetics. 178: 1661-1672. [pdf] [supplementary tables] - On the potential for extinction by Muller’s ratchet in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Loewe, L. & A.D. Cutter. 2008. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 8: 125. [pdf] - Hakuna nematoda: genetic and phenotypic diversity in African isolates of Caenorhabditis elegans and C. briggsae.
Dolgin, E.S., M.A. Felix & A.D. Cutter. 2008. Heredity. 100: 304-315. [pdf] [supplementary figures]
- Inbreeding and outbreeding depression in Caenorhabditis nematodes.
Dolgin, E.S., B. Charlesworth, S.E. Baird & A.D. Cutter. 2007. Evolution. 61: 1339-1352. [pdf] - Fossil leaf economics quantified: calibration, Eocene case study, and implications.
Royer, D.L., L. Sack, P. Wilf, C.H. Lusk, G.J. Jordan, Ü. Niinemets, I.J. Wright, M. Westoby, B. Cariglino, P.D. Coley, A.D. Cutter, K.R. Johnson, C.C. Labandeira, A.T. Moles, M.B. Palmer and F. Valladares. 2007. Paleobiology. 33: 574-589. [pdf] - Post-copulatory sexual selection reduces genetic diversity in experimental populations of C. elegans.
LaMunyon, C., O. Bouban & A.D. Cutter. 2007. Journal of Heredity. 98: 67-72. [pdf][F1000]
- Selection intensity on preferred codons correlates with overall codon usage bias in Caenorhabditis remanei.
Cutter, A.D. & B. Charlesworth. 2006. Current Biology. 16: 2053-2057. [pdf] - The evolution of biased codon and amino acid usage in nematode genomes.
Cutter, A.D., J. Wasmuth & M. Blaxter. 2006. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 23: 2303-2315. [pdf] [supplementary figures] - High nucleotide polymorphism and the decay of linkage disequilibrium in wild populations of Caenorhabditis remanei.
Cutter, A.D., S.E. Baird & D. Charlesworth. 2006. Genetics. 174: 901-913. [pdf] - Patterns of nucleotide polymorphism distinguish temperate and tropical wild isolates of Caenorhabditis briggsae.
Cutter, A.D., M.A. Felix, A. Barriere & D. Charlesworth. 2006. Genetics. 173: 2021-2031. [pdf] - Integrating patterns of polymorphism at SNPs and STRs.
Payseur, B.A. & A.D. Cutter. 2006. Trends in Genetics. 22: 424-429. [pdf] - Nucleotide polymorphism and linkage disequilibrium in wild populations of the partial selfer Caenorhabditis elegans.
Cutter, A.D. 2006. Genetics. 172: 171-184. [pdf] [supplementary table and figure]
- Sexual and temporal dynamics of molecular evolution in C. elegans development.
Cutter, A.D. & S. Ward. 2005. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 22: 178-188. [pdf] [supplementary figures] - Transposable element orientation bias in the Drosophila melanogaster genome.
Cutter, A.D., J.M. Good, C. Pappas, M.A. Saunders, D. Starrett, & T.J. Wheeler. 2005. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 61: 733-741. [pdf] [supplementary table] - Mutation and the experimental evolution of outcrossing in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Cutter, A.D. 2005. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 18: 27-34. [pdf]
- Clustered organization of reproductive genes in the C. elegans genome.
Miller, M.A., A.D. Cutter,I. Yamamoto, S. Ward, & D. Greenstein. 2004. Current Biology. 14: 1284-1290. [pdf] [supplementary methods and figures] - The kin composition of social groups: Trading group size for degree of altruism.
Avilés, L., J.A. Fletcher, & A.D. Cutter. 2004. American Naturalist. 164: 132-144. [pdf] - Sperm-limited fecundity in nematodes: how many sperm are enough?
Cutter, A.D. 2004. Evolution. 58: 651-655. [pdf]
- Molecular correlates of genes exhibiting RNAi phenotypes in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Cutter, A.D., B.A. Payseur, T. Salcedo, A.M. Estes, J.M. Good, E. Wood, T. Hartl, H. Maughan, J. Strempel, B. Wang, A.C. Bryan, & M. Dellos. 2003. Genome Research. 13: 2651-2657. [pdf] [supplementary table] - Selection at linked sites in the partial selfer Caenorhabditis elegans.
Cutter, A.D. & B.A. Payseur. 2003. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 20: 665-673. [pdf] - Rates of deleterious mutation and the evolution of sex in Caenorhabditis.
Cutter, A.D. & B.A. Payseur. 2003. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 16: 812-822. [pdf] - The proximate determinants of sex ratio in C. elegans populations.
Cutter, A.D., L. Avilés, & S. Ward. 2003. Genetical Research. 81: 91-102. [pdf]
- Searching for evidence of positive selection in the human genome using patterns of microsatellite variability.
Payseur, B.A., A.D. Cutter, & M.W. Nachman. 2002. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 19: 1143-1153. [pdf] - Population ecology, nonlinear dynamics, and social evolution. I. associations among nonrelatives.
Avilés, L., P. Abbot, & A.D. Cutter. 2002. American Naturalist. 159: 115-127. [pdf]
- Insect herbivory, plant defense, and early Cenozoic climate change.
Wilf, P., C.C. Labandeira, K. Johnson, P.D. Coley, & A.D. Cutter. 2001. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 98: 6221-6226. [pdf] - Precise, highly female-biased sex ratios in a social spider.
Avilés, L., J. McCormack, A. Cutter, & T. Bukowski. 2000. Proceedings: Biological Sciences (Royal Society of London). 267: 1445-1449. [pdf] - Response of rainforest ant communities in Australia’s humid tropics to disturbance: validation of the functional group model.
King, J.R., A.N. Andersen, & A.D. Cutter. 1998. Biodiversity and Conservation 7: 1627-1638. [pdf]